Assessment of animal bones from Mokřice Castle (Bohemia) : a view on the diversity of the diet of the inhabitants of the medieval castle and the possibilities of food production of animal origin


This study centres on a large collection of animal bones from Mokřice Castle (Jičín district). In the context of other finds, the series can be chronologically classified to the period between the 14th century and the first half of the 15th century, with the majority of finds probably dating from the end of the settlement's existence. The series predominantly contains bone waste which has the potential to illustrate the eating habits of the inhabitants who disposed of it in several parts of the castle grounds. In addition to the variety and quality of their diet, we observed the management and distribution of animal resources and food alternatives that the surrounding countryside had to offer to be incorporated into the diet. Apart from the bones of livestock which consistently prevail in almost all archaeologically investigated castles in the Czech Republic, an important part of the assemblage involved the remains of hunted mammals and birds. Also worthy of note is the considerable amount of fish bones, the presence of which is probably related to the production linked to the pond system below the castle (fishponds, store-ponds).

Middle Ages; archaeozoology; castle environment; diet


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