On the evidence of hygiene at Hrušov Castle


Thanks to many years of interdisciplinary research at Hrušov Castle, a great deal of information of diverse nature has been collected. Its analysis and evaluation, as well as its interconnection, changed the view on medieval castles and enabled the reconstruction of everyday life at Hrušov Castle in different historical periods, from its static perception as a symbol of power and wealth to a living organism, in constant interaction with the political, economic and social situation, technical development, art and culture, which changes and can be modified. One of the unique finds from the castle environment has provided aclue which gives us an idea of the hygienic habits of the castle inhabitants. It is the find of an ear spoon, documenting the body care, presence of toiletries and medical devices of the castle inhabitants. The object is the first ear spoon made of an organic material found during rescue research into medieval castles in Slovakia.

Hrušov Castle; ear spoon; hygiene


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