Skalka Castle, near Třebenice (Litoměřice district)


A bergfried belonging to the castle core that also included a small palace has been preserved from Skalka Castle, located near Lovosice in the Ústí nad Labem region. In front of the castle core there was another section, probably a bailey, and another two sections are found below the low castle hill. The castle was established around the mid-14th century by the Kaplíř family from Sulevice and until the Hussite period it was always divided among several families. This probably caused not only the creation of several residential cores in the castle, but also the moving of some families outside Skalka Castle, especially to manors in the vicinity. The Sulevice family, belonging to the lower gentry and residing mainly in manors, built another castle quite similar to Skalka – Milešov, where a small palace is situated behind a bergfried as well. The growing ambitions of the lower noble families and their economic conditions are also evidenced by the nearby Oparno Castle, founded by the Vchynice family and resembling a manor.

high and late Middle Ages; north-west Bohemia; castles


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