Pravda Castle (Louny district) : new information about the form and time of the castle construction


Based on the findings of the latest research, it was concluded that Pravda Castle (Louny district) was built just after 1500 by Jan Mašťovský of Kolovraty as the centre of administration of the family estates in the Louny region. It was first mentioned in 1518, sold to the Lobkowicz family in 1523 and then used only as an administration point. It was abandoned until the end of the 16th century. The castle core was equipped with a two-section palace, a kitchen and another unfinished building with residential and economic functions. Only a gate protruded from the fortification line which consisted of a wall with a gallery. The weight of the defence system rested on the flat massive bulwark of the outer bailey. The outer fortification included a front bulwark followed by an earthwork feature covering the front gate of the core with its mass. The flat plateau in front of the castle was fortified as well, and its north and east tips feature bridging fortifications, in the first case unfinished. The castle can be also considered unfinished.

late Middle Ages / early modern age; castle architecture; Lords of Kolovraty


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