Possibilities of reconstructing the diet of the inhabitants of Plzeň in the late medieval and modern-age period based on the analysis of stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen


The growing potential of natural science analyses is expanding the understanding of diet composition, previously based primarily on the high informative value of ecofacts. Therefore, series obtained from archaeological excavations of two Plzeň burial grounds were selected for isotope analyses, namely the burial site at St. Bartholomew's Church in the central Plzeň square and the U Zvonu burial site in the eastern historical suburb where a burgher hospital with a sacral building consecrated to St. Mary Magdalene once stood. The results of the isotope analyses were compared with written and archaeological sources. Differences in diet were also addressed, not only between the sites but also with regard to the historical development of the city of Plzeň and to the sex and age of the individuals studied. The radiocarbon dating method was employed as well. It was aimed to provide data for understanding the chronological development of the investigated sites.

Plzeň; burial ground; diet; stable isotopes; radiocarbon dating


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