Jeden model a různé zájmy : konvergence a divergence intermediálních studií


The essay provides a thorough analysis of the method and possible impact of the recent monograph Media transformation (2014) by Lars Elleström, a major representative of intermedia studies. The aim of the analysis is to evaluate possible consequences of Elleström's model of media transformation – regarded as a methodological basis of intermedia approach – for the study of wide range of cultural phenomena (as suggested by the author himself), at the same time taking into consideration his concept of media modalities used as a set of tools to be employed in individual intermedia problems inquiries. The idea of a methodological basis capable of unifying research in new media, adaptation studies, and literature–oriented intermediality appears rather utopian, since it may hardly overcome the differences and interests of individual disciplines. Yet the ongoing reflection of notions and categories in the field of intermediality (employed both in scholarly analyses and intermediality classes at the Masaryk University) provides a number of incentives for further research.

Klíčová slova:
intermedialita; transmediace; reprezentace média


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