Spirála coby inovativní schéma filmového vyprávění


This article deals with a specific pattern of audiovisual storytelling, where a character is stuck in an iterative segment of space, time and causality, is aware of that and tries to find a way to deal with it. It introduces the term "spiral narrative" for this narrative pattern known from films such as the 1993 Groundhog Day. It identifies it as an innovative schema which helps American film and television creators to defamiliarize various amounts of already established models of narrative development. The first part of this article defines the spiral narrative schema on the one side and the so-called loop narrative schema on the other side, explaining several aesthetic norms in films that exploit the spiral narrative schema. It also inquires into the possible ways in which spiral narratives can affect the viewers as well as the aesthetic sources of the spiral narrative schema as such. The second part brings a much more specific explanation using reasonably detailed analyzes of three films (the short 12:01 PM shot in 1990, the television film 12:01 from 1993, and the already mentioned Groundhog Day). These three analyzes reveal a historical trajectory, which might functionally explain the process of the establishment of the spiral narrative as an innovative auxiliary pattern in popular American audiovision.

Klíčová slova:
film; kinematografie; televize; vyprávění; narativní techniky; spirálový narativ; smyčkový narativ; narativní schéma; inovace; fikční světy; naratologie; historická poetika; poetika fikce; rozbor filmu


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12 Dates of Christmas (James Hayman, USA, 2011)

12:01 (Jack Sholder, USA, 1993)

12:01 PM (Jonathan Heap, USA, 1990)

12 opic (Twelve Monkeys, Terry Gilliam, USA, 1995)

50x a stále poprvé (50 First Dates, Peter Segal, USA, 2004)

ARQ (Tony Elliot, USA, 2016)

Before I Fall (Ry Russo-Young, USA, 2017)

Co se stalo o Vánocích (Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas, Alex Mann, Bradley Raymond et al, USA, 1999)

Doctor Who (Velká Británie, 1963–1988)

Dvojí život Veroniky (La double vie de Veronique, Krzysztof Kieślowski,

Francie / Polsko / Norsko, 1991)

Elysium (Neill Blomkamp, USA, 2013)

Gamer (Mark Neveldine, Brian Taylor, USA, 2009)

Groundhog Day: The Weight of Time (Michael Gillis, USA, 2002)

Happy End (Oldřich Lipský, Československo, 1967)

La Charrette fantôme (Julien Duvivier, Francie, 1939)

Christmas Every Day (Larry Peerce, USA, 1996)

Chyťte doktora (Martin Dolenský, Česko, 2007)

Každý den jsou Vánoce (Catherine Cyran, USA, 2006)

Kdo chce zabít Jessii? (Václav Vorlíček, Československo, 1966)

Kdybych žila znovu (Repeat Performance, Alfred L. Werker, USA, 1947)

Lola běží o život (Lola Rennt, Tom Tykwer, Německo, 1998)

Matrix (The Matrix, Andy Wachowski, Larry Wachowski, USA / Austrálie, 1999)

Na hraně zítřka (Edge of Tomorrow, Doug Liman, USA / Kanada, 2014)

Na Hromnice o den více (Groundhog Day, Harold Ramis, USA, 1993)

Náhoda (Przypadek, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Polsko, 1987)

Nahý (Naken, Mårten Knutsson, Torkel Knutsson, Švédsko, 2000)

Naked (Michael Tiddes, USA, 2017)

Návrat do budoucnosti (Back to the Future, Robert Zemeckis, USA, 1985)

Návrat do budoucnosti II (Back to the Future Part II, Robert Zemeckis, USA, 1989)

Návrat do budoucnosti III (Back to the Future Part III, Robert Zemeckis, USA, 1990)

Osudový dotek (The Butterfly Effect, Jonathan Mackye Gruber, Eric Bress, USA, 2004)

Pan Osud (Mr. Destiny, James Orr, USA, 1990)

Pán času (Doctor Who, Velká Británie, 2005–?)

Peggy Sue se vdává (Peggy Sue Got Married, Francis Ford Coppola, USA, 1986)

Počátek (Inception, Christopher Nolan, USA/Velká Británie, 2011)

Poslední den prázdnin (The Last Day of Summer, Blair Treu, USA, 2007)

Premature (Dan Beers, USA, 2014)

Probudím se včera (Miloslav Šmídmajer, Česko, 2012)

Příchozí (Arrival, Denis Villeneuve, USA, 2016)

Rampa (La jetée, Chris Marker, Francie, 1962)

Repeaters (Carl Bessai, Kanada, 2010)

Robinson Crusoe na Marsu (Robinson Crusoe on Mars, Byron Haskin, USA, 1964)

Srdcová sedma (Sliding Doors, Peter Howitt, Velká Británie / USA, 1998)

Svatba o Vánocích (A Christmas Wedding Date, Fred Olen Ray, USA, 2012)

Terminátor (Terminator, James Cameron, USA / Velká Británie, 1984)

Terminator Genisys (Terminator: Genisys, Alan Taylor, USA, 2015)

Turn Back the Clock (Edgar Selwyn, USA, 1933)

Turn Back the Clock (Larry Elikann, USA, 1989)

The Twilight Zone (USA, 1959–1964)

Úhel pohledu (Vantage Point, Pete Travis, USA, 2008)

Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer (Urusei Yatsura 2 Byūtifuru Dorīmā, Mamoru Oshii, Japonsko, 1984)

Vozka smrti (Körkarlen, Victor Sjöström, Švédsko, 1921)

Vražedná minulost (Haunter, Vincenzo Natali, Kanada, 2013)

Všechno nejhorší (Happy Death Day, Christopher Landon, USA, 2017)

Vyvolený (Unbreakable, M. Night Shyamalan, USA, 2000)

When We First Met (Ari Sandel, USA, 2018)

Za rozbřesku (Day Break, tvůrce Paul Zbyszewski, USA, 2007)

Zdrojový kód (Source Code, Duncan Jones, USA / Kanada, 2011)

Zítra vstanu a opařím se čajem (Jindřich Polák, Československo, 1977)

Zpráva o Evropě (Europa Report, Sebastián Cordero, USA, 2013)

Zrození Planety opic (Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Rupert Wyatt, USA, 2011)

Život je krásný (It's a Wonderful Life, Frank Capra, USA, 1946)





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