The journal publishes studies, reviews, interviews, and reports. Manuscripts in Czech, Slovak, Polish, English and German written in a text editor (Word) can be sent to the executive editor's e-mail address Apart from the study itself, the manuscript must include a Czech and an English abstract (incl. the English name of the study), keywords in English, basic information about the author and bibliography (primary and secondary sources must be written separately). The recommended length of a study is 10–20 standard pages (18,000 – 36,000 characters incl. spaces), the usual length of a review or a report is up to 3 pages (up to 5,400 characters incl. spaces).
The editorial board reserve the right for language correction of every text. The author can assess stylistic and other corrections during the revision process. The author is entitled to one revision.
Accepted texts are published on the website of Bohemica litteraria and in the e-archive of digitalized journals on the website of the Department of Czech Literature. They can also be accessed in academic literature databases (Central and Eastern European Online Library etc.).
For information on the peer-review process, see the specific section.
Publication fees
Bohemica litteraria does not charge any publication fees (APC, ASC). All expenses related to the journal publication are covered by institutional support of Masaryk University.
Bibliography citations (in the list of sources)
1994 Počátky krásné prózy novočeské (Praha: H+H)
Conference proceedings or a book chapter
1995 „Drama jako metodologický problém“, in KUBÍNOVÁ, Marie (ed.): O poetice literárních druhů (Praha: Ústav pro českou literaturu AV), s. 170–190
Journal article
HULPACH, Vladimír
1992 „Deset večerů s pohádkou“, Zlatý máj 1992, roč. 36, č. 6, s. 372
Newspaper article
1947 „Na okraj Halasova Ladění“, in Svobodné noviny, 27. 7. 1947, s. 5
Archive source
Unless unknown, it is necessary to provide: place (name of the archive), name of the archive fond (and its collection if possible), signature, carton, inventory number, document type, date, author, and originator (if possible).
MALÝ, Radek
2019 „Progresivní a umělecká – současná česká literatura pro děti a mládež“, in [online]. květen 2019 [citováno 20. 11. 2019]. Dostupné z:
More information
- Names of publications, texts, and source documents (journals, newspapers) are written in italics. Names of chapters, short stories, poems etc. published in a collection are in a standard typeface.
- In case the author uses two or more sources by a single author with the same dating, the sources can be differentiated with minuscule letters (NOVÁK 1939a, NOVÁK 1939b etc.).
- In case a source has two or more authors, their names are divided with a dash. In case of more authors, the abbreviation “et al.” can be used.
- References are noted in the text, usually in brackets: surname of the author(s) in capital letters, year of publishing, page (NOVÁK 1939: 556).
- If the next note is taken from the same source, the following form is used: IBID.: number of the page.
- Quotations of both primary and secondary literature are written with down–up („“) quotation marks – incorporated in the text if they are short or in a separate narrowed paragraph if they are longer than 2 lines.
- In the list of sources, it is not necessary to include ISBN, ISSN, “ed.” to signify an editor or “eds.” to signify multiple editorship.
Image attachments
Except for the image caption (e.g. Obr. 1, Titulní list prvního vydání Rukopisu královédvorského), the source of the image in the form of a bibliography reference must be included.
The space for the image must be highlighted in the text. The image has to be sent in print quality (at least 300 DPI) as an e-mail attachment (JPG, TIFF etc.).
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