The Maelstrom of death in The carriage by Richard Weiner
Weiner; The Grimace (Škleb); The Wagon (Vůz); Expressionism; death; water
This study is an interpretation of a short story called "The Carriage" (Vůz) written by Richard Weiner which is included in his book of short stories The Grimace (Škleb). The study develops an idea that many motifs in Weiner's short stories have metaphorical meanings: the prevailing feature of Weiner's expressionist poetics can be seen in metaphors which are based on "water imagery" and which are also closely associated with death. These connections between water and death allow readers to understand the rain (which frames the text and also permeates the whole short story repeatedly) as an omen of the soldiers' death.
Weiner; The Grimace (Škleb); The Wagon (Vůz); Expressionism; death; water
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