Authorial book paratexts (on the editions by Josef Škvorecký from the 1990s)


The paper deals with the book paratexts by Josef Škvorecký published in the books of 1990s. Authorial paratexts are integral and important parts of literary production. Presented in a book, they have all the functions of paratexts – to attract readers, to organise and to lead reader's reception, they mean also direct communication between genesis of the work and its life in the process of reception, therefore an uninterrupted communication between the author and the reader. This method excludes intentional or unintentional distortions or misinterpretations of the text as it enables the author to provide the readers only with such pieces of information which are his/her own opinions and also to focus on such aspects that may have stayed hidden.

authorial paratext; book; J. Škvorecký; G. Genette


ŠKVORECKÝ, Josef, 1991a. Scherzo capriccioso: veselý sen o Dvořákovi (Praha: Odeon)

ŠKVORECKÝ, Josef, 1991b. Hořkej svět: povídky z let 1946–1967 (Praha: Odeon)

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ŠKVORECKÝ, Josef, 1992. Konec poručíka Borůvky : detektivní žalozpěv (Praha: Ivo Železný)

ŠKVORECKÝ, Josef, 1994a. Ze života české společnosti (Praha: Naše vojsko)

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