Ivan Efremov's Andromeda Nebula: the turning point of Soviet science-fiction literature


This paper studies the influence of the publication of the novel Andromeda Nebula (1957) written by Ivan Efremov on the development of Soviet science-fiction literature and particularly of its Future perception. In this novel, Efremov, for the first time, places the events of the story in the far-away future and gives a detailed description of the Future society of the Earth and especially of its inhabitants. The novel's publication brought about debates on the role and goals of science-fiction literature in the Soviet Union. The paper examines the social and cultural situation in the Soviet Union at the moment of novel's publication, describes distinctive features of Efremov's Future World drawn in the novel and attempts to explain a revolutionary effect of Andromeda Nebula on Soviet science-fiction.

Soviet science-fiction; Ivan Efremov; Andromeda Nebula; utopian; future; the Earth; communist; the Soviet Union; late 1950s


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