Pekař Jan Marhoul from the structuralist and fictional worlds perspectives
Pekař Jan Marhoul; Vladislav Vančura; Jan Mukařovský; Zdeněk Kožmín; Mojmír Grygar; novel; structuralism; fictional worlds theory
The study deals with a famous work of Czech modernism, Pekař Jan Marhoul by Vladislav Vančura. The novel has been examined from several theoretical perspectives, nevertheless, the major knowledge of the novel comes from the Prague School structuralists, namely Jan Mukařovský, Zdeněk Kožmín and Mojmír Grygar. The study overviews their investigations and compares them to the result delivered by the application of fictional worlds theory to the novel.
Pekař Jan Marhoul; Vladislav Vančura; Jan Mukařovský; Zdeněk Kožmín; Mojmír Grygar; novel; structuralism; fictional worlds theory
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