Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
Příspěvek nebyl dosud publikován ani není v současnosti zaslán do jiného časopisu pro posouzení (nebo bylo podáno vysvětlení v Komentářích pro editora).
Soubor příspěvku je ve formátu OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF nebo WordPerfect.
URL odkazy na reference jsou uvedeny všude, kde to bylo možné.
Text má řádkování 1; písmo má velikost 12; je použita spíše kurzíva než podtržení (kromě url adres);všechny ilustrace tabulky a obrázky jsou umístěny spíše v textu, než na konci.
Text odpovídá stylistickým a bibliografickým požadavkům uvedeným v Pokynech pro autory, které se nachází na stránce O časopisu.
Pokud je příspěvek zasílán do recenzované sekce časopisu, byly dodrženy instrukce pro Zajištění anonymního recenzního řízení.
Author Guidelines
- Articles: Original research articles of about 6000 to 10000 words. Longer articles will be considered (contact the editor).
- Reviews: Up to 2500 words.
- Electronically as e-mail attachments (in Word for Windows .doc files).
- All articles by non-native speakers of English must be proofread prior to submission. Any article deemed as not meeting this criterion will be returned to its author.
- Include an abstract (100-150 words) at the beginning, and a short bio-note (60-100 words) at the end, followed by full contact information.
- All contributions must be original and previously unpublished articles, not currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
- Reviews should be analytical and argumentative, interpreting the impact of the reviewed work with respect to the discipline and other current literature.
- A4 size, single spaced, 2.5 cm margins on all sides. Times New Roman, font size 12 throughout (even in tables and examples).
- Do not use any pre-set or personal styles for text formatting. Remove all such styles prior to submission.
- No page numbering.
- No abbreviations such as ibid. and loc. cit.
- Use conventional typography (English “curved” quotation marks, single quotation marks for ‘citations’ within other citations, apostrophes (’) rather than accents, no spaces before punctuation marks, single space after punctuation marks, use tabulator (i.e. not spacebar) for aligning paragraphs, indenting or positioning the text on the page)
- Tables and figures – must be in electronic form and fit within the margins of the page. Use captions (Table 1/Figure 1) with descriptions above the relevant tables and figures.
- No footnotes. Use notes at the end. Keep notes to a minimum. Insert manually as superscript numerals both in the text and at the end of the document in a special section called ‘Notes’.
Intext citations
- Short citations should specify the name of the author/editor, the year of publication and page reference (for quoted text only). Try to avoid using page numbers only. Identify publications with the name of the author and year of publication, not the title of the book. For more than two authors, use et al. Use parentheses as follows:
- Movement and manipulative causation are regarded as belonging to the core of causative events (Talmy 1976).
- For example, Jackendoff (1983: 177) offers two possible interpretations: [...]
- Biber et al. (1999) term this category circumstance adverbials.
- Long citations should be indented without any change of lining, font or size, and be separated from the preceding and following text by an empty line.
- All works cited in the text (and only those) must be included in the ‘References’ section, listed in the alphabetical order according to author/editor and with complete bibliographical data.
- Use full names, if known.
- Each citation should be internally complete.
- Internet sources are treated like books (author, year of publication, title). The address and date of consultation should be provided.
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