'Lovers of beauty': the oeuvres of George Santayana, Fred Holland Day and Edward Perry Warren as exemplifications of aesthetics of existence influenced by the Platonic Eros


My theory is about the lovers of beauty who tried to aestheticize their existences in different ways, but with the same goal: to make life into an oeuvre. George Santayana created an aesthetic ontology, Fred Holland Day made a photo composition (Beauty is Truth), which is the essence of his aesthetics of existence, and Edward Perry Warren spiritualized the male ideal shaped through the praising of the Uranian Eros. They used the Hellenic idea as a life-giving energy, they re-eroticised the philosophical thoughts about self-creation and the aesthetic way of life. The serious questions of private perfection and self-creation can be the basis of an ethics of personality. According to Agnes Heller it is always the ethics of one person. We have to illustrate it, if we want to speak about it. So, we have to examine one paradigmatic case to illustrate the essence of it.

Eros; philosophers of the art of living; George Santayana; Fred Holland Day; Edward Perry Warren


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