About the Journal
ISSN 1803-7399 (print), ISSN 2336-4416 (online)
Registration no. by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic: E 18714
- Aims and scope
- Publishing schedule
- Digital access and archiving policy
- Publication fees
- Abstracting and indexing
- Journal history
Aims and scope
Études romanes de Brno (abbreviated as ERB) publishes original papers from Romance languages and literatures. Papers from Romance linguistics are dedicated to synchronic as well as diachronic aspects of Romance languages, applied linguistics of Romance languages and border disciplines that pay attention to Romance languages or to Romance languages in contact with other languages. In Romance literatures it focuses on history and current situation of Romance literatures and to Romance literatures and their reflection in dramas and films that according to their origin and cultural context belong to Romance languages speaking areas.
Every issue comprises various sections. The section “Dossier thématique” contains thematically linked papers on specific aspects of Romance languages or Romance literatures, the section “Études” includes original papers that are not necessarily thematically linked and the section “Comptes rendus” contains reviews on recent books that belong to the scope of interest of the journal. Articles in “Dossier thématique“ and “Études“ are peer-reviewed (for more, see Guidelines for authors).
Papers and reviews are written in French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Catalan, and eventually in other Romance languages.
Publishing schedule
Since 2009 till 2023 the journal was issued twice a year in print as well as in electronic version. Since 2024 it has been issued exclusively in electronic version, four times in 2024 and twice the following years.
First issue is published by March 31, second issue by September 30.
Deadlines for manuscripts submission: January 31 (first issue); June 30 (second issue).
Digital access and archiving policy
Full versions of all papers published in Études romanes de Brno are available in the Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University: https://digilib.phil.muni.cz/handle/11222.digilib/112967.
Digital long-term access and archiving policy at the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University
Full texts of articles are available in the Digital Library of the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University (built on the DSpace platform), which is the primary source and repository of academic publications at the Faculty of Arts. The journal websites (built in Open Journal System) contain links to the fulltext articles archived in the digital library. The journal website is used mainly as a presentation platform for accessing all the information about the journal.
This approach to long-term access and digital archiving of fulltexts "in one place" (i.e., in the digital library) is a strategic decision that was adopted by the Faculty of Arts many years ago. It allows us to ensure high-quality and consistent processing of metadata as well as long-term preservation (LTP) of digital documents, enabling users to search through all the texts.
Publication fees
The journal does not have any article submission charges (ASCs) or any article processing charges (APCs). ERB is a scholarly journal financed by Masaryk University from subsidy for development of research institution.
Abstracting and indexing
Études romanes de Brno is indexed in international databases WoS (ESCI), Scopus, EBSCO, DOAJ, Dialnet, ERIH PLUS.
Journal history
Études romanes de Brno is a continuation of the periodical of the same name (ERB) which was published by the Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University between 1965–2008 (since 1979 within the periodical series Sborník prací filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity, řada romanistická (L) = Studia minora facultatis philosophicae universitatis Brunensis, Series romanica (L), ISSN 0231-7532).