Tra ideologia e poesia : le strutture spazio-temporali in L'uomo è forte di Corrado Alvaro e Il palazzo a mille piani di Jan Weiss


The object of this article is the analysis of the structures of space and time in two novels pertaining to the genre of dystopian fiction, Dům o tisíci patrech (1929) written by the Czech author Jan Weiss and L'uomo è forte (1938) of the Italian novelist Corrado Alvaro. The analysis was conducted taking into consideration several interpretations of the meanings of time and space in the literary utopia and dystopia and the Bachtinian notion of chronotope.

utopia; dystopia; time; space; chronotope; vision; incubus; fantastic; history; reality; ideology; totalitarism; accusation; Weiss; Alvaro; Zamjatin; Orwell


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