O tempo e o espaço na obra diarística de Marcello Duarte Mathias


The paper is focused on constructing and debating space and time in the three diaries of the Portugese writer Marcello Duarte Mathias (1938): No devagar depressa dos tempos. Notas de um diário 1962-1969 (1980), Diário da Índia 1993-1997 (2004) e Diário de Paris 2001-2003 (2006). Taking into account the simultaneous existence within the diaries of a subjective and introspective discourse, as well as the existence of micro-sequences to procure the progress of the diary as a narrative, the authors stress, on the one hand, on the way in which the space of the Self in the text, and the inscription of the diarist and its writing in time, on the other. The paper also discusses the debate on temporality and spacial determination of the individual, which the diary implements in a very demanding way in its strife to register the transition of the diarist through the world and through time.

diary; time and space in the diary; autobiographics


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