Un paseo imaginario por Buneos Aires


In the narrative of the Argentinean writer, Luisa Valenzuela, the cities that she has traveled - because of exile -, are always portrayed. Barcelona, Paris, Mexico or New York, are meaning-ful characters in her fiction, metaphors of those beings that live in them. However, out of all these cities, Buenos Aires is explicitly or implicitly the place which is always present. In both of the stories in which this article focuses, "Cambio de armas" and "Simetrías", the city is not mentioned. In spite of this fact, it is well known where the action takes place because the (history of the) city is engraved on the body of the two main female characters. That trace of pain, which I have called corporeal writing, is the one I follow to (re)describe again an imaginary Buenos Aires.

body; space; memory; pain


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