Uso temporal de algunos marcadores de localización espacial en español y en francés


The objective of this speech is to present time uses of some space location markers, in Spanish and French. The possibility of using the same elements for the space and time location confirms the existence of a very strong connection between these two dimensions, in spite of the fact that objectively each of them has very different characteristics. The space is perceivable and, therefore, we can measure it, imagine and present easily. Time is all the opposite. It does not have dimensions so sometimes we imagine it as a straight line, another time as a spiral, etc. As several linguists affirm, the way to represent space relations also serves to mark time relations. This last idea is going to be our point of departure for the analysis of some prepositions and space adverbs. We will see which are the cognitive concepts that correspond to each of the selected markers and how these concepts work in the time dimension. We propose a comparative work, in which we wi ll present both Spanish and French locatives. This way we wi ll try to find out if in both languages exist similar relations between space location markers and time.

space and time location; cognitive concepts; Spanish and French locatives


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