Repercusiones de la Revolución Sandinista en la novela nicaragüense: Rosario Aguilar y Conny Palacios


Collective memory has ways to apprehend the events that are lived as milestones and affect the collective imagination. Quite early, in 1986 and in the heart of the Sandinista regime, Rosario Aguilar publishes Siete relatos sobre el amor y la guerra, where very early evaluates the Sandinista Revolution, with a novel of discontinuous and fragmentary structure, featuring a kaleidoscope of the stories of seven women characters and actresses of war and revolution. In 1994, Conny Palacios publishes En carne viva; it also displays fragmentary structure, in order to raise the mismatches and the impact of war on the life of a woman who goes mad because of the disasters of the conflict. The interest of this paper is to analyze how these two novels, written by women, pose a balance of the Sandinista Revolution not with the relaxed look of temporal distance, but from the historical and ideological proximity.

Rosario Aguilar; Conny Palacios; Nicaraguan novel; Sandinista Revolution; trauma; war


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