Synonymic monopredicative verbal utterances with the additive extension of the primary structure in modern French fiction


The monopredicative verbal constructions with additive adverbial and pronominal extension are formed in consequence of the virtual (linguistic) primary structure transformation in the space of the operating time of a mental kineticism. In this article the synonymic verbal utterances with chronophoric (temporal adverbs), exophoric (adverbs and demonstrative, personal, interrogative and relative pronouns), endophoric (anaphoric and cataphoric personal pronouns) semantically and / or syntactically redundant extenders are distinguished. The analyzed synonymic structures are actualized in the form of ludic co(n)textually preferential options depending on author's idiostylistic peculiarities and on his communicative intention to simplify or to complicate the interpretation of information to the recipient who reconstructs inversely the virtual transformational processes and determines the degree of co(n)textual pertinence of each member of the synonymic chain by means of the « alternative » linguistic experiment.

additive extension; "alternative" linguistic experiment; co(n)textual pertinence; preferential option; synonymic monopredicative verbal utterance


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