Grammar in dictionaries : grammatical terms in Portuguese encyclopaedic dictionaries of the 18th and 19th centuries


The aim of this study is to analyse the lemmata related with the grammar domain (in a wide sense) in general dictionaries with an encyclopaedic character previous to the arising of linguistics (Bluteau) and concomitant of the development of diachronic linguistics (Domingos Vieira) in Portuguese. The works we analyse are: Bluteau, Vocabulario portuguez e latino (1712–1728) and Domingos Vieira, Grande diccionario portuguez ou thesouro da lingoa portugueza, (1871–1874). The aspects that we analyse are: a) presence or absence of Portuguese linguistic terms belonging to general linguistics, specifically terms which designate the several areas of this science (and their structures) (linguistics, syntax, morphology, grammar, etc.) and terms which designate its objects of study (tongue, language, speech, dialect, etc.); b) data of each lemma related with dictionary or encyclopaedia information.

Vocabulario portuguez e latino; Grande diccionario portuguez; lemmata


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