Le "tambour" comme un élément intertextuel dans Onitsha de J. M. G. Le Clezio


J. M. G. Le Clezio belongs to the writers that are inspired by the English culture. In the book Onitsha, the motif of drum is connected to the vertical movement of the main protagonist. This motif appears also in the book Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad, Voyage au Congo by Andre Gide and The African Witch by Joyce Cary. Le Clezio is inspired by Heart of Darkness and Voyage au Congo. He rewrote the book The African Witch of Joyce Cary.

drum; verticality; Africa


CARY, Joyce. The African Witch. London: M. Joseph, 1961.

CONRAD, Joseph. Heart of Darkness and Selected Short Fiction. New York: Barnes & Noble Classics, 2003.

GIDE, André. Voyage au Congo. Paris: Gallimard, 1927.

KASTBERG SJÔBLOM, Margareta. L'écriture de J. M. G. Le Clézio, une approche léxicométrique. Nice: Université de Nice, 2002.

LE CLEZIO, J. M. G. Onitsha. Paris: Gallimard, 1991.

LE CLEZIO, J. M. G. L'Africain. Paris: Mercure de France, 2004.

NIRMALA, A. Joyce Cary: A Critical study. New Delhi: Atlantic publishers and distributors, 2001.

WEST, Russell. Conrad and Gide: Translation, transference and intertextuality. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1996.

ZABUS, Chantal. Answering Allegations Against "Alligator" Writing: Heart of Darkness and Mister Johnson. In Shades of Empire: Studies in Colonial and Post-Colonial Literature. Ed. Theo D'HAEN; Cedric Charles BARFOOT. Amsterdam-Atlanta: Rodopi, 1993, pp. 117–138.





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