Les doubles sens dans le panégyrique royal : l'exemple des inscriptions des Cālukya de Veṅgī


The royal panegyrics of the Cālukya of Veṅgī, a dynasty which ruled in Andhra Pradesh between the 7th and 12th centuries, offer an interesting example of epigraphic literature : they highlight the royal qualities required in śāstras. The king's laudation is developed initially through his mythic and historic genealogy, then in the comparison of his deeds with those of the gods, and finally of himself with the latter. It is in this part of the text where the author uses double entendre to liken the royal feats to those of gods. The double entendre, i.e. śleṣa, in Indian poetry, is based on the polysemy of a word or of a group of words, on homonymy and on word splitting. The text delivers several meanings at the same time, which all contribute to the king's praise. It is this subject we propose to analyse, with examples of our epigraphic corpus of Cālukya.

Kāvya; śleṣa; Calukya; kingship; panegyric; epigraphy; south India; ideology


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