Relaciones de las lenguas en el sector occidental de la familia lingüística jivaro


The objective of this paper is to introduce the languages of Jivaroan language family and to discuss the relations they have with each other in the western part of their territory. Another partial topic is the terminology used to address the individual languages and the family as a whole. The topics are approached from various points of view that include historical, linguistic and political criteria and it also takes into account the opinions of the users of the languages. It is interesting to observe that the above mentioned criteria frequently do not coincide at the moment of establishing limits between the individual languages of this family. The analysis is based on own observations and research carried out among the Shuar, Achuar, Huambisa and the Aguaruna from 2010 to 2012.

Jivaroan language family; Ecuador; Peru; Santiago river; linguistic and cultural continuum; identity; derogatory term


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