Evolution of sentence structures with direct object in front of the verb, with special attention to the 19th century


Historically, the Spanish OV(S) marginal order has been associated with a patient/theme prominence whose communicative value unexpectedly exceeds that of the agent. This paper offers a description of the syntactic and semantic evolution of preverbal direct object. Thus, drawing on data from the 13th century as well as from the 16th through 20th centuries from Peninsular and Mexican Spanish, I will argue the following three points: first, the marginality of that order has increased; second, the related direct object has displayed a strong historical tendency to increase its formalization of definite referents (and of indefinite ones during the 20th century); third, this evolution has been concomitant with a progressive rise of the duplication in the verb of that preverbal direct object via a co-referential clitic. Furthermore, regarding the hypothesis that 19th century is the starting point of a third evolutionary period in the Spanish language history (Melis, Flores and Bogard 2003), I will point out that, in effect, it was a moment when some evolutionary behaviors were consolidated and patterns were generated that became the doubling structure of referential preverbal direct object as known today.

constituent order; OV order; topical direct object; clitic doubling; kind of reference of nominal direct object


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