The phonic configuration of Andean Bolivia Spanish during the first part of 19th century: sociolinguistic notes


It is well known the importance of 19th century for the configuration of American Spanish, mainly in areas with indigenous population because of the frequent processes of language change that happen in this moment. Thus, in some areas (such as the Andes) there are in this period two ways of speaking Spanish which are determined sociolinguistically: the one of the high social groups, without any influence of the indigenous languages, and the one used by the lower social class, with a very strong influence of these languages. Considering this situation, this paper aims to analyze the phonetic and phonological features of the two social varieties of Spanish spoken in Andean Bolivia in 19th century: for that, a monolingual high class woman and a trilingual Spanish/Quechua/Aymara lower class man are studied, in order to compare the phonic features they show in their writings and establish the sociolinguistic distribution of these features. The main intention of the paper, thus, is to describe in a more complete and realistic way the pronunciation of Western Bolivian Spanish in this basic period of its history.

history of the Spanish language; Bolivia; 19th century; phonetics; phonology; sociolinguistics


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