Argument structure and non-eventive nouns in Catalan: a descriptive approach


Although argument structure in the nominal domain is usually associated with eventive nouns, there are referential nouns (such as relational, agentive, result nominalizations, or iconic and semiotic nouns) that admit, somehow, complements that must be linked to some kind of argument structure. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of how the complements of these nouns are realized in Catalan. It will be shown that they are usually prepositional phrases and that, as noted by Bonet & Solà (1986), they must be linked to the genitive case. Thus, the paper explains how the so-called inalienable possession genitive, author genitive and iconic genitive work in Catalan, and discusses why these complements should be necessarily considered as arguments.

argument structure; non-event nouns; nominalization; genitive; Catalan


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