About the effects of the pandemic on the lexicon : lexical frequency and word meanings in news discourse


The lexicon of a language is a living and dynamic body, permeable to extralinguistic factors, which define society in a certain time and space. This study focuses on the influence of Covid-19 pandemic on the lexicon of news discourse in Portugal. The discursive corpus was compiled with 29 sessions of a daily newscast of Portuguese public television. A comparison was made between speech broadcasts in 2019 and in 2020, after the arrival of the pandemic in Portugal. The results show an influence of the pandemic context on words used in the news, regarding variation in frequency of occurrence of lexical items and also with regard to metaphorical meanings that are associated with some words, to refer to the disease. The results are discussed in the light of existing research on lexical frequency and conceptual metaphor in media discourse.

lexicon; pandemic; frequency; metaphor; news discourse


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