Changes in nominal strategies for the reference to human beings in parliamentary speeches from Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil)


The aim of this paper is to analyze a set of nominal strategies for the reference to human beings in Brazilian Portuguese. The data analyzed come from parliamentary speeches from the state of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil) produced in 2011 and 2017. The theoretical framework is based on recent studies about inclusive language and research on lexical semantics that analyze the properties of general nouns, i. e. lexical units with minimal semantic content such as pessoa ('person'), pessoal ('people'), povo ('people') among others, which deviate from typical hyperonymy relations. The results obtained confirm the importance of general nouns in the set of resources for the elaboration of more inclusive texts, as well as reveal discreet changes from 2011 to 2017 in favor of more inclusive language strategies. In a broader sense, the results also contribute to demonstrate how socio-cultural changes concerning gender equality policies can favor lexical changes in the 21st century Portuguese.

inclusive language; Brazilian Portuguese; parliamentary speech; general nouns


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