De single mother para mãe a solo ou mãe solo na perspetiva da semântica de frames


This paper, conducted from the perspective of frame semantics, is a lexical-semantic approach to the single mother frame and its current equivalents in European and Brazilian Portuguese which highlights the variability and dynamics of linguistic meaning. It stems from a comprehensive study of the application of frame semantics to the translation of collocations extracted from a corpus on female leadership (Câmara 2021), constituted from a set of works on the subject – namely, Babcock & Laschever (2003), Miller & Miller (2011), and Sandberg & Scovell (2013). Specifically, this paper focuses on a reframing of the collocation single mother, materialized in the replacement of the equivalent collocation mãe solteira by mãe a solo or mãe solo (in European and Brazilian Portuguese, respectively), in the face of social changes involving the social construction of motherhood which have taken place in recent decades at a global level.

frame semantics; collocations; single mother; mãe a solo/mãe solo; inter- and intralinguistic translation


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