Poland and the Poles in the works of Georges Simenon: towards an intra-European orientalism


The aim of this paper is to examine the representation of Poland and the Poles in the works of Georges Simenon, from a perspective inspired mainly by imagology and the theory of orientalism. This includes Simenon's reportages as well as novels and short stories. The analysis of the texts leads to the identification of a certain number of characteristic features of the Simenonian vision of Poland and the Poles, such as: negativization, exoticization, racialization, eroticization, dehumanization, animalisation, otherization and linguistic strangerization. This list alone suggests the negative tone that dominates in the textual portrait of the country and its inhabitants. Some more positive notes are also reported, but the accumulation of negative traits is mainly interpreted as a form of intra-European orientalism, that is an ideologically charged discourse in the context of which Poland, and more broadly, Central and Eastern Europe, are opposed to a European West embodying the civilizational and human standard. The theory of orientalism thus turns out to be a tool which can be used not only to describe the symbolic domination of colonizing Western Europe over the colonized countries, but also over the intra-European East.

Georges Simenon; Poland; Poles; imagology; orientalism


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