Children of the working-class children: ghosts, suburbs and impostors in the 21st-century fiction


This article deals with some of the general lines of reflection developed by the "young" narratives of the last millennium and, specifically, the way in which all of them intervene in the battle for the meaning of the word "worker". A route of analysis of some recent novels is proposed where the vector of social class acts as a focus, as an ordering axis, but in a particular and concrete way, inescapably characteristic of the new millennium. To observe the frame of reference that some "children of the children of the working class" construct in the literary field, we choose the novel by Anna Pacheco (Listas, guapas, limpias, 2019) as an exemplary tool, that is, as a support from the to delve into the fictional and collective strategies that take place around the origin of class. Through it, then, we delve into the analysis of the new frames of reference that took shape in the last century and that work in a particular way with the worker referent.

Listas, guapas, limpias; social class; cultural field; workers memory; repoliticization


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