Mix of genres and novelistic creation in the writing of Rachid Mimouni


Rachid Mimouni contributed to the renewal of French-speaking Algerian literature both in terms of its thematic corpus and in its formal configuration. His work is part of textual modernity. This novelist has constantly sought new ways, strategies of a new writing, different, original, more in line with his inspirations, his taste, his temperament and especially more adapted to the Algerian culture and its oral tradition. Herbrid writing is a crossroads where various types of formal characteristics intersect and intermingle genres, such as, marvelous realism, fantasy, delirium, myths, legend, polyphony, humor, derision, l Orality and History. This mixture of genres, this narrative scramble, gives Mimouni’s novels a rather singular and revolutionary color.

novel writing; aesthetics; renewal; mix of genres; creation


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