Federico García Lorca between flamenco and the revolution : the mutations of the García Lorca media image in the Czechoslovak press over the last hundred years


This paper presents partial results of an extensive research of more than three years' duration, the main theme of which was the critical analysis of the media images of three important figures of Spanish culture (García Lorca, Picasso, Ortega y Gasset) in the Czechoslovak, Czech and Slovak press in the course of the last hundred years. The present text is devoted to the metamorphoses of the media image of the poet and playwright Federico García Lorca in the aforementioned press between 1937 and 2016. The aim of the research was to discover, understand and then explain how the cultural, ideological and, above all, political environment prevailing in a specific historical period can influence, manipulate or even deform the image of an intellectual figure from a foreign environment that the press presents to the public of the receiving country. The text is based on a critical analysis of some 150 articles about Federico García Lorca, his artistic work and his ideological legacy, out of, in total, more than 500 articles related to this subject that had been found. The applied method of analysis relies on critical discourse analysis based on the principles established by van Dijk, complemented by a detailed analysis of the historical context, focusing mainly on its cultural, ideological and political aspects. The research examines in depth the mechanism of the transfer of the information contained in the media image, which is susceptible to changes in meaning, interpretation or assessment, both by the central and sophisticatedly organised propaganda of authoritarian or totalitarian regimes and by error, misunderstanding or as a consequence of a certain momentary collective mentality in times of democracy and free press. The article shows and analyses several concrete examples of some interesting transformations in the media image of García Lorca in the Czech and Slovak written press and tries to explain their motivations as well as their consequences.

Federico García Lorca; media image; cultural reception; information transfer; historical context


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