The verbal and the paraverbal in Arthur Adamov's theater


This study focuses on Arthur Adamov's scenic writing in a corpus of four plays: La Parodie, L'Invasion, La grande et la petite manœuvre, Tous contre tous. On the basis of the characters' discourse as being revealing of their individual neuroses, through incommunicability as a symptom of their existential malaise, it seeks to demonstrate the parity of the verbal and the paraverbal in the Adamovian dramaturgy. The aim is to prove that, in this project of total performance, the polysemy of what is represented connotes an absurd world; that the absurdity of the human condition is resumed to highlight the inner torments of a disoriented, distraught and dislocated being; that the detheatralization inaugurates the deterritorialization of a porous and protean theatre.

Arthur Adamov; communication; blocking; speech; theatre of the absurd


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