Language and dialect in the magazine El Folk-lore andaluz (1882-1883) : the fierce struggle of the "alternative ideology" of the Andalusian identity against the "dominant ideology"


In this work we are going to deal with the creation and process of the magazine El Folk-lore Andaluz created by the folklorist movement at the end of the 19th century, barely studied to date from a purely linguistic perspective. To this end, we will carry out a sociolinguistic and anthropological analysis following Bourdieu's assumptions of "symbolic violence" (1985), as well as the studies on "linguistic ideologies" of the most recent anthropology of language (Woolard 2007, 2012). The idea is to focus the study, in the first place, on the sociohistorical context in which the magazine was created (1882–1883); and, in a second and last place, to understand how was the treatment that was given to the Andalusian speech (as a popular "dialect") at the time of claiming it through the different works that composed it, from where we can deduce how these were intimately linked to the folklorist ideology of their authors and how this, in turn, collided with the dominant ideology in the linguistic field or simply from the political-institutional level.

anthropology of language; El Folk-Lore andaluz magazine; Andalusian folklorism; linguistic ideologies


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