Migration of loanwords in French legal terminology : a lexicographical perspective


Most French legal terms are well-known to derive from Latin terms. However, French legal terminology has also incorporated terms originating from other languages, such as Greek, Italian, and English. In our research, which is mainly lexicographical, we examine the techniques employed for processing etymological information in three French monolingual legal dictionaries. Our focus is on loanwords that allow us to trace the migration of legal terms across languages. For our research, which is carried out from a diachronic perspective, we have selected three monolingual French legal dictionaries published from the 19th to the 21st century. Our study unveils a discernible development in lexicographical entries, encompassing the techniques for processing etymological information and the arrangement of individual entries in the dictionaries under examination.

lexicography; legal lexicography; law dictionary; etymology; migration


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