Rôle du temps et de l'espace dans l'œuvre [i.e. l'oeuvre] autofictionnelle de Patrick Modiano


Patrick Modiano is a present writer who retrieves the past in many novels. His domain covers a period since the second word war – especially the French Occupation – and extends up to 60's and 70's. Modiano's writing is characteristic with the quest for identity and human roots. The notion of time and space represents a very important category in Modiano's novels both reflecting a hidden presence of his father and giving very exact description of the atmosphere and environment during these difficult days of French history. We will try to demonstrate the role of time and space in the father-son relation.

Klíčová slova:
space; time; occupation; autofiction


Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue de Patrick Modiano, Une jeune femme à Paris made in Modiano [online]. Le blog de l'actualité littéraire [2007-XI-12]. In: http://www.actualite-litteraire.com.

DOUBROVSKY, Serge. Autobiographie/Vérité/Psychanalyse. L'Esprit Créateur, 1980, n° 3, p. 87-97.

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MODIANO, Patrick. Accident nocturne. Paris: Gallimard, 2003.

MODIANO, Patrick. Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue. Paris: Gallimard, 2007.

MODIANO, Patrick. De si braves garçons. Paris: Gallimard, 1982.

MODIANO, Patrick. Dimanches d'août. Paris: Gallimard, 1986.

MODIANO, Patrick. Dora Bruder. Paris: Folio, 1999.

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MODIANO, Patrick. La place de l'étoile. Paris: Folio, 1975.

MODIANO, Patrick. La ronde de nuit. Paris: Gallimard, 1969.

MODIANO, Patrick. Les boulevards de ceinture. Paris: Gallimard, 1978.

MODIANO, Patrick. Remise de peine. Paris: Gallimard, 1997.

MODIANO, Patrick. Un cirque passe. Paris: Gallimard, 1992.

MODIANO, Patrick. Vestiaire de l'enfance. Paris: Folio, 1991.

NETTELBECK, Colin W.; HUESTON, Penelope A. Patrick Modiano, pièces d'identité. Écrire l'entretemps. Paris: Editions Lettres modernes, 1986.

OBERGÖKER, Timo. Ecritures du non-lieu. Topographies d'une impossible quête identitaire : Romain Gary, Patrick Modiano et Georges Perec. Frankfort am Main: Peter Lang, 2004.

PIVOT, Bernard. Empreintes Patrick Modiano. Deux diffusions sur France [2007-X-3].

PIVOT, Bernard. Mélancolie Modiano, La chronique de Bernard Pivot. JDD [2007-X-9].

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