Sobre la lexicalización de no llega como forma aproximativa


This paper explores the lexicalization of the Spanish construction no llega (literally, 'it does not arrive'), which means something similar to English approximative meanings 'almost' or 'barely.' The construction no llega derives from the denied periphrastic tense (no) llega + infinitive: originally meaning '(not) to arrive,' denotes proximity towards the achievement of a predicate, and entails a negative reading. That way, this construction links to other possible realizations of the periphrasis from which it derives; however, as their proximal and polar meaning components reveal, no llega points to become lexicalized as an approximative adverb – featured by its syntactic position and discursively specialized in downwards argumentative readings.

Klíčová slova:
no llega; approximatives; proximal component; polar component; periphrasis


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