La réécriture du mythe d'Ulysse dans L'Ignorance de Milan Kundera


Milan Kundera's Ignorance is a literary meditation on exile and emigration. In particular, the author rethinks the essence of emigration through the experience of Irena and Josef, two protagonists who left their native country during the Russian invasion in 1968. Kundera rewrites the Homeric myth to play down the status of the emigrant while showing the advantages of emigration and the illusion of the "great return". From this point of view, Homer's Ulysses does not escape this illusion, so much so that he is dissatisfied as soon as he arrives in Ithaca. In a general way, Kundera fights against the stereotypes of the emigrant as a being of suffering. In particular, he seeks to strip emigration of its sentimental, lyrical and political dimensions. Moreover, the novel poses the problem of otherness in a context of emigration. The nightmares of Irena and her husband, Martin, reveal the complexity of the return, the cruelty and the effects of totalitarianism. The emigrant is thus subjected to such cultural ambivalence that he is not fully recognized either in his adopted country or in his native land. He embodies in fact the figure of the transborder being.

Klíčová slova:
rewriting; Ulysses; emigration; exile; language; otherness; memory; forgetting


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