L'emprunt et l'argot - assimilation du lexique anglais dans la culture hip-hop en Pologne


The theme of space in its geographical aspect is surely connected with the linguistic borrowing. This one is traditionally considered as phenomena of the standard variation of the languages. In my communication I will try to show how borrowings are also present in the popular speech and in different types of argot, including the argot of the young's. It will be interesting to analyze what are the causes of the borrowings in those codes (for ex. names for new technological and cultural inventions, mass culture influence, fashion or snobbism, wish to code). In the mean time, it appears that the motifs for borrowing, those anterior and today are not always the same. This communication will show also how did the borrowings assimilates and sometimes even evolves with the time in the language of the borrower. My analyze will considerate those argotic polish [i. e. Polish] lexemes witch are the result of the linguistic borrowing.

sociolinguistic; argot; young speech; hip-hop; youth culture


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