"Énigme de Montréal" : l'exil de Dany Laferrière


The aim of the article "Enigma of Montreal" – Dany Laferrière's exile is to analyze the picture of Montreal in Dany Laferrière's novels where this city is presented as a place of exile of several characters having a strong autobiographic dimension. Dany Laferrière, Quebecois writer of Haitian origin, arrived to Montréal in 1976. Not only in his first novels of provocative titles, but especially in the works where he later reconsiders his stay in Montreal, first of all Chronique de la dérive douce, and also the matching novel to it, L'Enigme du retour, he expresses his relations towards the city of Montreal as a narrator-immigrant, whose feelings crystallized during the years when he tried to understand the Canadian city, so different from Port-au-Prince, his native town that had influenced his young age. In the beginning of exile every immigrant is surprised by a new space and its physical character. Everything is so different for an immigrant coming from Haiti – the adjustment to the climate is connected with the adjustment to a new culture and people's habits. Laferrière's ironical style and his satirical pictures target Canadian society criticizing its political and social problems. He is laughing at the two solitudes adding a third one, that of a black immigrant. Laferrière points out contrasts between the open character of the city with walls and barriers between people. Nevertheless, the city of Montreal has even another face. It's a city of culture and the immigrant can find there friends and compatriots of the republic of literature. The only way how to live in this city is to adjust and build relations with the new, adopted place.

migrant literature; Quebec; Montreal; Haiti; exile; adjustment


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