Essay and life : the meaning of Montaigne for Ezequiel Martínez Estrada


In his book-length essay on the life and works of Michel of Montaigne, the notable Argentinean essayist Ezequiel Martínez Estrada offered an incisive and beautifully written study on the famous French writer. Martínez Estrada's sympathetic literary portrait of the author of the Essays constitutes no only a kind of intellectual self-portrait of Martínez Estrada himself but also a deep reflection on the nature of the genera of the essay, of which the famous author of X-Ray of The Pampa was an accomplished artist. In this article both intertwined aspects are commented: Martínez Estrada personal identification with the individual Montaigne and his reflections on the scope and aims of essay-writing. Martínez Estrada linked the authenticity of the essay-writing, but of literature in general with its capacity to fully reflect life's richness, and, above all, 'people's' life.

Ezequiel Martínez Estrada; Michel of Montaigne; Argentinean literature; Argentinean essay


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