Fantastic elements in the modern Mozambican fiction : Ualalapi by Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa


The novel Ualalapi (1987), by the Mozambican writer Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa (1957), chooses the subversion of the official discourse on the historical character of Ngungunhane, the last emperor of Gaza, as its main objective. In this historical narrative, the author is developing the theme of the relationship between tradition and modernity, emphasizing the place of orality in African reality. The novel presents several elements that are derived from the Mozambican tradition and form part of the animistic mythological worldview, typical for the African culture. These elements, having an extraordinary, unusual character and originating in a non-rational order, can be considered fantastic. The article intends to reflect on the character and the place of the fantastic elements in the novel Ualalapi and in the modern Mozambican narrative.

Mozambican literature; fantastic elements; Ungulani Ba Ka Khosa; Ualalapi


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