The contemporary Unheimliche : Gonçalo M. Tavares and the epic poem


Based on the recognition that the Luís de Camões' work is the cornerstone of Portuguese literary canon, this article reflects on the 16th century Poet's relationship with the contemporary production of Portuguese literature whose reading points out how The Lusiads symbolize the very memory of a culture, expanding its notorious influence in the epic by Gonçalo M. Tavares, which is remarkable since the repetition of the Camonian epic structure. While questioning the epic versions through the displacement of Bloom's character in the context of persecution and escape, A trip to India moves forward on the dialectic interpretation of the contradictions of love. In the manner of a collage, this text seeks to follow the itinerary of this (anti)epic and elaborate proposals of interpretation for its character: (anti)hero, runaway, outcast, flâneur or contemporary Unheimliche?

Gonçalo M. Tavares; reading Camões in the 21st century; Unheimliche


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