"Nunca é agora entre nós" : separations and ruptures in Explicação dos Pássaros, by António Lobo Antunes


This article aims to explore the different dimensions of the concept of separation and rupture in the novel Explicação dos Pássaros by António Lobo Antunes. This particular novel can be considered as an important development within the oeuvre of the writer as it marks a departure from his previous literary output. Moreover, besides it's literary significance, the novel also lifts the veil on the historical and sociological world of Post-Revolution Portugal, with its conflicts and paradoxes. It is by tackling the way in which the author articulates the different modes of separation and conflict that the reader can penetrate the novel, becoming an active participant, which is the aim of the Antunian literary project. Thus, this article endeavours to dissect the different ways in which separation functions as a metaphor for the wider work of the author and at the same time as a window into the problems of contemporary Portugal.

Lobo Antunes; separation; post-revolution Portugal; Portuguese contemporary literature


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