Translating the periphery with the day and the centre with the night? : about the imaginary in Anne Hébert's three late poems: « Soleil dérisoire », « Nuit d'été », « Les offensés » (from the collection of poems Night and the Day are One)


The paper deals with a specific interpretation of literary images in Anne Hébert's « Les offensés », « Nuit d'été » and « Soleil dérisoire ». We also focus on Gilbert Durand's Les structures anthropologiques de l'imaginaire to analyse this poetics texts, in particular, on how the personification of the poet's voice introduces a representation of the towns like New York and Paris and, more importantly, the personification of a discourse which seeks to explore images of the day and the night as a complex metaphoric topos for reflection on Centre and Periphery in French-language literatures.

Anne Hébert; Gilbert Durand; center; periphery; night imaginary; day imaginary; Quebec poetry


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