Poetic perception put to the test of rationalist thought in the poetry of Léopold Sédar Senghor


Very great is the temptation to see a hymn to communal warmth and the confluence of civilizations looming in the poetry of Léopold Sédar Senghor. It must still be maintained that the humanist thought at work in his poetry is largely based on the reconciliation of opposites, reason and faith among others, and therefore has a postmodernist dimension. His poetry, traversed from start to finish by the essential element of postmodern culture, in this case the principle of otherness, establishes itself as the promise of a union that does not confuse. If modernity is based on the cult of the homogeneous and imposes the cultural model born in the lap of rationalist thought in defiance of other cultural models, Senghor's poetry, like postmodern thought which «postulates the diverse», defends a union that does not confuse. Still, this vision forged in the name of a common planetary advance comes up against the political and ideological constructions that rationalist societies have invented to create a hierarchy in the world.

communal warmth; reconciliation of opposites; modernity; postmodernity; hierarchy of the world


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