Aeschines' inscription in Epidaurus? : an old question revisited


R. Herzog (1931) proposed that a fragment from Epidaurus (IG IV2 1 255) was part of a votive inscription that contained an epigram attributed to the Athenian orator Aeschines preserved in the Anthologia Graeca (AG VI, 330). Herzog's tentative hypothesis was reinforced by W. Peek in 1962, but scholars, hindered by an imperfect understanding of each other's languages, have not reached agreement over the attribution. With the assistance of the Archaeological Museum of Epidaurus, which has provided me with a photograph of the fragment, I have come to the conclusion that the inscription was probably not dedicated by Aeschines and does not contain the epigram in question.

Aeschines; epigram; Epidaurus; inscription; Anthologia Graeca


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